Bibliography (BibTeX, RIS, EndNote)
- Journal Papers
Amineh Amini, Hadi Saboohi, Teh Ying Wah, and Tutut Herawan, "A Fast Density-Based Clustering Algorithm for Real-Time Internet of Things Stream
", The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, June 2014. (ISI-Cited) (BibTeX) DOI: 10.1155/2014/926020 (
Data streams are continuously generated over time from Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The faster all of this data is analyzed, its hidden trends and patterns discovered, and new strategies created, the faster action can be taken, creating greater value for organizations. Density-based method is a prominent class in clustering data streams. It has the ability to detect arbitrary shape clusters, to handle outlier, and it does not need the number of clusters in advance. Therefore, density-based clustering algorithm is a proper choice for clustering IoT streams. Recently, several density-based algorithms have been proposed for clustering data streams. However, density-based clustering in limited time is still a challenging issue. In this paper, we propose a density-based clustering algorithm for IoT streams. The method has fast processing time to be applicable in real-time application of IoT devices. Experimental results show that the proposed approach obtains high quality results with low computation time on real and synthetic datasets.
Amineh Amini, Teh Ying Wah, and Hadi Saboohi, "On Density-Based Data Streams Clustering Algorithms: A Survey", Journal of Computer Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 1, January 2014, pp. 116–141. (ISI-Cited) (BibTeX)
DOI: 10.1007/s11390-014-1416-y (
Clustering data streams has drawn lots of attention in the last few years due to their ever-growing presence. Data streams put additional challenges on clustering such as limited time and memory and one pass clustering. Furthermore, discovering clusters with arbitrary shapes is very important in data stream applications. Data streams are infinite and evolving over time, and we do not have any knowledge about the number of clusters. In a data stream environment due to various factors, some noise appears occasionally. Density-based method is a remarkable class in clustering data streams, which has the ability to discover arbitrary shape clusters and to detect noise. Furthermore, it does not need the number of clusters in advance. Due to data stream characteristics, the traditional density-based clustering is not applicable. Recently, a lot of density-based clustering algorithms are extended for data streams. The main idea in these algorithms is using density-based methods in the clustering process and at the same time overcoming the constraints, which are put out by data stream's nature. The purpose of this paper is to shed light on some algorithms in the literature on density-based clustering over data streams. We not only summarize the main density-based clustering algorithms on data streams, discuss their uniqueness and limitations, but also explain how they address the challenges in clustering data streams. Moreover, we investigate the evaluation metrics used in validating cluster quality and measuring algorithms' performance. It is hoped that this survey will serve as a steppingstone for researchers studying data streams clustering, particularly density-based algorithms.
Hadi Saboohi, and Sameem Abdul Kareem, "An Automatic Subdigraph Renovation Plan for Failure Recovery of Composite Semantic Web Services", Frontiers of Computer Science, vol. 7, no. 6, December 2013, pp. 894–913. (ISI-Cited) (BibTeX)
DOI: 10.1007/s11704-013-2248-6 (
A Web service-based system never fulfills a user’s goal unless a failure recovery approach exists. It is inevitable that several Web services may either perish or fail before or during transactions. The completion of a composite process relies on the smooth execution of all constituent Web services. A mediator acts as an intermediary between providers and consumers to monitor the execution of these services. If a service fails, the mediator has to recover the whole composite process or else jeopardize achieving the intended goals. The atomic replacement of a perished Web service usually does not apply because the process of locating a matched Web service is unreliable. Even the system cannot depend on the replacement of the dead service with a composite service. In this paper, we propose an automatic renovation plan for failure recovery of composite semantic services based on an approach of subdigraph replacement. A replacement subdigraph is posed in lieu of an original subdigraph, which includes the failed service. The replacement is done in two separate phases, offline and online, to make the recovery faster. The offline phase foresees all possible subdigraphs, pre-calculates them, and ranks several possible replacements. The online phase compensates the unwanted effects and executes the replacement subdigraph in lieu of the original subdigraph. We have evaluated our approach during an experiment and have found that we could recover more than half of the simulated failures. These achievements show a significant improvement compared to current approaches.
Hadi Saboohi, and Sameem Abdul Kareem, "Requirements of a Recovery Solution for Failure of Composite Web Services
", International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT), vol. 3, no. 4, October 2012, pp. 15–21. (BibTeX) DOI: 10.5121/ijwest.2012.3402 (
Web services are building blocks of interoperable systems. Composing Web services makes the processes capable of doing complex tasks. Composite services may fail during their execution which can be diagnosed by a mediator. The mediator adapts the structure so that the failure is recovered. Moreover, future executions should avoid the situation or organize a strategy to repair the structure with a minimum delay. In this paper the failure reasons of a composite service are reviewed. Furthermore, the requirements of a solution for recovery of a system from a failure are investigated.
Hadi Saboohi, Amineh Amini, and Hassan Abolhassani, "An Ontology Web Language based Framework for Information Inference from Heterogeneous Data Sources
", Iranian Information and Documentation Center, Irandoc Scientific Communication monthly Journal (ISSN: 2008-1839), vol. 4, no. 3, May 2005. (Persian) (BibTeX)
- Conference Papers
Hadi Saboohi, Amineh Amini, Tutut Herawan, and Sameem Abdul Kareem, "Failure Recovery of Composite Semantic Services using Expiration Times", in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng'13), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2013, pp. 683–690. (BibTeX)
Composite services are examples of volatile processes, which are prone to failures due to several problems that may occur during the executions. The recovery of their failure at execution time must be done efficiently to survive the system from deviation of its quality of service. Replacing a failed service with another similar service is not always reliable. Substituting a subgraph of the directed graph which represents the composite service with another sequence of services shows a major step in increasing the likelihood of the system’s failure recovery. In this paper, we propose the use of expiration times of provided services to lower the time complexity of subdigraph identifications as well as other steps of a recovery approach. We evaluated our work, which shows a significant improvement to the similar approaches.
Amineh Amini, Hadi Saboohi, Teh Ying Wah, and Tutut Herawan, "DMM-Stream: A Density Mini-Micro Clustering Algorithm for Evolving Data Streams", in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng'13), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2013, pp. 675–682. (BibTeX)
Clustering real-time stream data is an important and challenging problem. The existing algorithms have not considered the distribution of data inside micro cluster, specifically when data points are non uniformly distributed inside micro cluster. In this situation, a large radius of micro cluster has to be considered which leads to lower quality. In this paper, we present a density-based clustering algorithm, DMM-Stream, for evolving data streams. It is an online-offline algorithm which considers the distribution of data inside micro cluster. In DMM-Stream, we introduce mini-micro cluster for keeping summary information of data points inside micro cluster. In our method, based on the distribution of the dense areas inside the micro cluster at least one representative point, either micro cluster itself or its mini-micro clusters’ centers, are sent to the offline phase. By choosing a proper mini-micro and micro center, we increase cluster quality while maintaining the time complexity. A pruning strategy is also used to filter out the real data from noise by introducing dense and sparse mini-micro and micro cluster. Our performance study over real and synthetic data sets demonstrates effectiveness of our method.
Hadi Saboohi, Sameem Abdul Kareem, and Gholamreza Ahakian, "World-altering Features of Semantic Web Service Description Languages", in Proceedings of the Second International
Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development (ICeND'13), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 2013, pp. 132–136. (BibTeX)
Semantic Web services are traditional Web services annotated with Semantics. The semantics is given using formal languages so that the machines can process the service descriptions. By enabling the machines to process the Web services’ descriptions, a software (as an agent) can discover, compose and execute the Web services automatically and autonomously. Moreover, the descriptions made available in semantic Web services facilitate the distinction between two major categories of Web services called information-providing and world-altering categories. The world-altering Web services have some knowledge-world or real-world effects other than input, output, and precondition properties of information-providing category. The differentiation is crucial for a mediation technique of Web services. For example, the mediator, which stands between providers and their consumers, may need to undo the effects of a world-altering Web service. In this paper, we briefly describe the features of semantic service description languages specifically related to the world-altering services.
Hadi Saboohi, and Sameem Abdul Kareem, "Failure Recovery of World-altering Composite Semantic Services - A Two Phase Approach", in Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS'12), Bali, Indonesia, December 2012, pp. 299–302. (BibTeX)
DOI: 10.1145/2428736.2428787 (
Composite Web services are self-evidently failure-prone. A recovery process is required to survive the execution flow. We propose a method to recover a composite service from a failure. The method replaces a subdigraph of a composite service with its semantically similar one. Our work is motivated by a marked trade-off of multiple needs, i.e. to increase the replacement probability in a minimum delay, a high accuracy and yet no compromise in quality of service. To address the issues, we 1) broaden the subdigraph elimination starting point to even well-executed world-altering services, 2) calculate the prerequisites in an offline phase, and 3) rank the candidate replacements. Our preliminary result shows the efficiency of our method.
Hadi Saboohi, and Sameem Abdul Kareem, "Increasing the failure recovery probability of atomic replacement approaches
", in Proceedings of the 2012 Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering Conference (AOTULE2012), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 2012, page 123. (BibTeX) (View)
Web processes are made up of services as their units of functionality. The services are represented as a graph and compose a synergy of service. The composite service is prone to failure due to various causes. However, the end-user should receive a smooth and non-interrupted execution. Atomic replacement of a failed Web service to recover the system is a straightforward approach. Nevertheless, finding a similar service is not reliable. In order to increase the probability of the recovery of a failed composite service, a set of services is replaced with another similar set.
Hadi Saboohi, and Sameem Abdul Kareem, "World-altering Semantic Web Services Discovery and Composition Techniques - A Survey
", in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS'11), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 2011, pp. 91–95. (BibTeX) (View)
Cited by: 1
Semantic Web services evolved from traditional computational services by semantic descriptions. Recently, there have been many research efforts in the field of semantic Web services, which reveals enormous potential for Service-Oriented Architecture to be promoted to an improved architecture. However, world-altering services have been largely disregarded because of the limited facilities in current description languages to express required conditions. Enterprise Application Integration systems need world-altering services because most of the business services need preconditions to be held prior to their service execution. Moreover, they generate effects, both of which must be contemplated in the service environment. To exploit the semantic Web services in reality, efficient discovery and composition approaches need to be developed to complement the service environment requirements. This paper intends to overview selective methods for discovery and composition of world-altering semantic Web services.
Hadi Saboohi, and Sameem Abdul Kareem, "A Resemblance Study of Test Collections for World-altering Semantic Web Services
", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Computing and Web Services (ICICWS'11) in the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists (IMECS'2011), Hong Kong, March 2011, pp. 716–720. (BibTeX) (SCOPUS Link) (View)
Cited by: 2
Approaches to Web services discovery, matchmaking, composition, and execution monitoring need a collection of descriptions of test services. Semantic Web services help attain better accuracy in these approaches by clarifying service descriptions. In the semantic Web service research area, there are some test collections. These test collections have some information-providing services. However, there is not a proper test collection that contains a reasonable number of both information-providing and world-altering services. This paper intends to investigate current available test collections, as well as other sources of service description. Their features (such as their description and expression languages) and a number of world-altering services, preconditions, and effects are compared, and their usage in current contests and challenges are discussed. Finally, a road map for standard test collections for world-altering semantic Web services is provided.
Hadi Saboohi, Amineh Amini, and Hassan Abolhassani, "Failure Recovery of Composite Semantic Web Services using Subgraph Replacement", in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008 (ICCCE'08), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2008, pp. 489–493. (BibTeX) (SCOPUS Link)
DOI: 10.1109/ICCCE.2008.4580652 ( ISI Web of Knowledge: 173485215
Cited by: 10
Web services foster functionality of current web to service oriented architecture. Nascent semantic web is capable of automating activities by annotating shared ontological semantics to documents and services. Although, a zillion web services with diversity have been made since the inception of its diffusion, it is not a panacea for software development and it is still in its infancy. A middle agent (broker) simplifies the interaction of service providers and service requester, especially in the case that an atomic web service cannot fulfill userpsilas need. The broker composes a desired value-added service and orchestrates the execution of bundled sub-processes. It is inevitable that several constitutive web services may fail during the execution and become unavailable. In this paper, we propose replacement of a sequence of semantic web services in lieu of old composition subgraph which includes perished web service(s) that jeopardized the completion of whole process. We try to perform finding foreseeable replacing graphs, and their compatible alternative subgraphs and ranking of them before exploitation of composite web service. Furthermore, we illuminate an approach for resolving functional differences between old and new subgraphs.
Amineh Amini, Hadi Saboohi, and Nasser Nemat bakhsh, "A RDF-based Data Integration Framework
", National Electrical Engineering Conference (NEEC) 2008, Najafabad, Iran, March 2008. (BibTeX) (View)
Data integration is one of the main problems in distributed data sources. An approach is to provide an integrated mediated schema for various data sources. This research work aims at developing a framework for defining an integrated schema and querying on it. The basic idea is to employ recent standard languages and tools to provide a unified data integration framework. RDF is used for integrated schema descriptions as well as providing a unified view of data. RDQL is used for query reformulation. Furthermore, description logic inference services provide necessary means for satisfiability checking of concepts in integrated schema. The framework has tools to display integrated schema, query on it, and provides enough flexibilities to be used in different application domains.
Hadi Saboohi, Amineh Amini, and Hassan Abolhassani, "Electronic City Services Management Using Failure Recoverable Composites of Autonomic Distributed Software Components", The First International e-City Conference, Tehran, Iran, February 2008. (Persian) (Fulltext)
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